

We are part of the communities that go out of box to think of new ideas, technologies and policies that are mostly lying on paper, Shelves or just prototypes.

It’s a community that urges a lot. To us we find urging healthy because it gives us better answers to most challenges that affect humanity in the near future. As inventors we live in the future finding ourselves consumed with questions on how to;

reduce CO2 emissions by 32 million tons annually?

prevent 241 million people annually from suffering from malaria?

ensure no child ever goes to bed hungry?

stop chronic disease from resulting in 7 out of 10 deaths each year?

make farming more Earth-friendly?

cut the cost of inputs for producing nylon by 50%?

shrink the waste from making vitamin B-2 by 95%?

eliminate 78% of cervical cancer?

Reduce by 50% food crops in developing countries lost to pest and disease?

reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 86%?

feed 7 billion people?

If you have a mind and desire to change the world to making it a better place, please join us today.

Our Projects

Most alarming challenge facing society today are, how to feed 7 billion people and ensuring no child ever goes to bed hungry. Its how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help stop human-induced climate change.

Its how to help save lives by eliminating the threat of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and rare diseases. We believe biotechnology can heal, feed and fuel thus playing a central role in meeting these and other urgent challenges.

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 At extramind, we know that an effective customer focus involves empathizing with the customer, building trust, simplifying the customer experience, and aligning with customer goals and expectations.

Having a customer-centric approach and being fully transparent while offering a delightful, yet simple and consistent customer experience differentiate us from others. Read more

We have to realize that we have been using energy sources which are highly polluting. Just considering the burning of hydrocarbons and fossil fuels. Unpleasant outcomes of death from air pollution, Acid rain, radiation poisonings,skin cancer, setting aside climate changes, droughts, deforestation, global warming, floods, hurricanes, huge problems.

There is hardly no source of energy that we are using that is not polluting; that includes solar, wind and bio-fuels to a degree through to a lesser degree.    Read more