Sustainable Energy

Discover our projects and the rigorous process of creation. Our principles are creativity, design, experience and knowledge.

We have realized that we have been using energy sources which are highly polluting. Just considering the burning of hydrocarbons and fossil fuels. Unpleasant outcomes of death from air pollution, Acid rain, radiations poisoning,skin cancer, setting aside climate changes, droughts, deforestation, global warming, floods, hurricanes, huge problems. There is hardly no source of energy that we are using that is not polluting; that includes solar, wind and bio-fuels to a degree though to a lesser degree.

Bio-fuels compete with agriculture to a ratio of 1 SUV full of a bio-fuel could feed 1 hungry person for a year. Global starvation is at an increase due to large agro-farms shift to these infrastructures of producing fossil fuels of which by some calculations, they use more hydrocarbons than the energy they get out of the bio-fuel.

... A power-pack that will fit in the palm of your hand, being able to produce 10KW, that can plug in a circuit box of your house or under the hood of your car

Solar and wind are useful while installed, but they are capital intensive,land intensive, material intensive. Companies like solar city have modified this 19th century way of harvesting more energy from the sun by creating solar tiles, frames, poles which to an extent is not viable for 20-30yrs.

Meanwhile, since the time of Nicola Tesla, they have been proven sources of clear, safe decentralised clean energy waiting in the wings. Say energy from the vacuum, innovative chemistry of water and hydrogen fusing at room temperature, mini concepts that have not reached the mean stream.